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DRY: The Journey to Treat Male Incontinence

Experiencing stress urinary incontinence can be frustrating and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Find out how these men found a path to feeling whole again in this video series.

Reclaiming Control: Randy's Life After Prostate Cancer & Incontinence

Randy didn't want anyone to know he was dealing with incontinence but struggled to find a treatment that would fit his active lifestyle. When his incontinence got worse, he met with a prosthetic urologist and was able to find that treatment, which he says is "such a blessing".

A Team Effort: Bob & Janet's Triumph Over Incontinence

"His incontinence was part of our lives, it's something that the two of you suffer through together." Bob and Janet share how they managed his incontinence journey, how "fortuitous random chance" led them to a urologist who provided a long-term treatment option, and how he now feels the freedom to engage in activities he enjoys.

Restoring Continence: Roberto's Journey to a Normal Life

For Roberto, incontinence felt like a loss of dignity and control - all he wanted was a normal life. His urologist, Dr. Babbar, was able to help him find a treatment that allowed Roberto to address his incontinence, enjoy his favorite hobbies, and attend to the other conditions in his life.

Push Pride Aside: Otis's Incontinence Victory

Otis, a retired Army veteran, shares how he overcame the mental & physical toll of incontinence by talking to Dr. Kaufman about what he was experiencing and what his treatment options were.

Dry Again: Larry’s Journey to a New Beginning

"I never thought I'd be wearing [diapers] at such a young age". Larry & Cindy describe how incontinence controlled their lives for four years before finding a treatment that fit their lifestyle through Dr. Brady.

A Farmer’s Fight: How Jerry Conquered Incontinence to Keep Working

Jerry’s love for farming and hard work was disrupted by incontinence, making daily life a struggle. He and his wife Carol describe the moment they knew his quality of life was going to change for the better.

Men suffering from bladder leakage may feel like they are the only one facing this issue. Approximately 1 in 10 American men have urinary incontinence with rates rising as men age.1

Incontinence, also known as bladder leakage, can stop you from living the active life you once lived and make you feel alone and isolated. For some men, leaking urine can mean embarrassment and feeling depressed.2

Boston Scientific is committed to overcoming the stigma and restoring hope by speaking candidly about what men with urinary incontinence are feeling — physically and emotionally.

If bladder leakage treatment becomes a burden and affects your happiness, you can talk to a urologist specializing in male incontinence about options to restore bladder control.


  1. Markland AD, Goode PS, Redden DT, et al. Prevalence of urinary incontinence in men: results from the national health and nutrition examination survey. J Urol. 2010 Sep;184(3):1022-7.
  2. Wu, S., & Wu, F. (2023). Association of urinary incontinence with depression among men: a cross-sectional study. BMC public health, 23(1), 944.

Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

This material is for informational purposes only and not meant for medical diagnosis. This information does not constitute medical or legal advice, and Boston Scientific makes no representation regarding the medical benefits included in this information. Boston Scientific strongly recommends that you consult with your physician on all matters pertaining to your health.

The physicians featured in these videos are consultants of Boston Scientific and have been compensated for their participation in these videos.

The patients featured in these videos were compensated for their travel and/or time.

Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

All images are the property of Boston Scientific.